"Schedule a Tour" Button on Join page linked to our scheduling url



Augie Andersen

7 years ago

We use hubspot and would love to give prospective members the ability to book a tour directly from the proximity join page. This could be as simple as letting us embed a custom url on a "Schedule a Tour" button that shoots people over to our tour booking link: https://meetings.hubspot.com/augie/trinity




4 years ago

Hey there! We do offer a free concierge service, Wave, that you can use at the front of your space. You would just need a device with a web browser. Wave allows members to schedule a tour, the requests get sent to space managers, and you can view all requests in the Wave tab of your dashboard. -Emma


Alanna Imbach

4 years ago

@Emma: Are you saying that Wave has the capacity to allow guests to schedule tours *in advance* from home, etc.? So far as I'm aware, it only works for people to request a tour on the spot once they are at our space and standing at our Wave-enabled tablet at the front of our space. Those are two very different needs for tour scheduling (with the in-advance option being the critical one)

3 hidden items


Brian Watson

4 years ago

I've used the site-wide announcement for exactly this. If you'd like to see an example, you can check it out here - https://altspace.app.proximity.space/
"Book a Tour" button is at the top of the page which redirects to our calendly account.


Allison Blevins marked this post as a duplicate of Book a Tour Button

2 years ago

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