Make Reservations "reason" question customizable.



Shannon Hundley

7 years ago

When members book a reservation for a conference room, office, etc it asks for the "reason" of the booking. This then is loaded onto to the calendar. It would be nice to customize this so that we do not view our calendars with a bunch of long notes on why the room is being rented instead of just a simple word or name.



Josh Hudnall

7 years ago

What do you think about adding a filter to the calendar view that toggles between showing the reason and just the person's name. Best of both worlds?


Jan Holan

6 years ago

Fixing this is important and easy! Right now our ipads show "team meeting" for our conference room. Not useful and who cares? Who booked the room is most important. It should always be on the ipads display and in the calendars. Purpose can be optional and given a character limit.


Nanette Mattox

5 years ago

I would like to see Name be required. Then the Reason


Allison Blevins changed the status to Completed

2 years ago

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