Blocking certain memberships from being able to see or book certain resources



brian watson

6 years ago

Some reservable resources are meant only for premium members. itd be nice for the manager to be able to block or hide reservation options for lower tiered members



Josh Freed

6 years ago

This was brought up again at the staff meeting.


Josh Freed

6 years ago

It was additionally noted that we should Create ability for someone to see a resources to but not reserve it

1 hidden items


Monique Priestley

4 years ago

Now with COVID, I am completely changing my membership structure and would like to be able to disallow all membership types except for one from being able to book resources - in my case, I have created a Reservable Resource for each table ("Coworking Station") that should only be able to be reserved by my paying monthly members of my 9-5 level.


Josh Hudnall

4 years ago

While this is still an important feature request that we want to support, I wanted to make sure everyone knows that you can prevent reservations for certain membership types by setting the minimum and maximum booking time to zero. It's not perfect and it's not the same as completely hiding a resource from certain members, but it's a workaround in the meantime.

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