Room Reservation Cancellation/Change

In Progress


Shannon Hundley

7 years ago

Have a way for members to change their bookings in reservations.



Info BeachHouse

7 years ago

Yes ! Just had an issue where an edit would come in handy...


Lauren Brewer

7 years ago

YES!! We need to be able to move times and dates of reservations, and so do the clients.

28 hidden items


Jessie Villa

3 quarters ago

Is there any update on any of these requests? Our team has to manually edit reservations when members are more than capable of switching the date of a reservation or adjusting the time. It takes away from the user experience to have to put in a request to our team for any reservation changes. I can see that this request has been in the pipeline for 6 years without much movement. Can somebody please let us know if these updates are coming?


Christopher H

3 quarters ago


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