Optionally Require Phone Numbers when Registering



Jameson Winter

6 years ago

We need to be able to require members to give us a phone number. I realize not everyone wants this, but we've had members who either don't check their email addresses or type them incorrectly and we have no way of contacting them on a regular basis. We struggle to get most people to even visit their profile to think about adding any extra contact info, so being able to require it upon sign-up would be a great feature for us space owners.



Josh Hudnall

6 years ago

Customizable sign up forms is on our list, and this would fit right into it. I'm not sure when we can tackle it yet, but hopefully soon.


RUA 37

5 years ago

Today a member booked a membership class upfront that wasn't available. I could not call him to inform him right away because phone numbers are not required during the membership sign up. To us, it is important too to have the ability to call a member right away. The result: the new member was outside the building and no one was there to open the door.

21 hidden items


Christopher H

2 years ago

Thanks Allison! Will this prompt users without a phone number to enter it when they sign in next or is this just for new members moving forward?


Allison Blevins

2 years ago

@Christopher H This will just catch new users moving forward. You could set up your site-wide banner telling users to login and add their phone number. Access this at Settings>General> Site Wide Alert in the lower right corner, hit save!

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