Josh Hudnall
7 years ago
Comment from Katie in duplicate issue: I would love to be able to book reservations for customers wanting to rent conference room space. Also to be able to charge or not charge, case specific
6 years ago
Yes we need this! I have non-members come in that want to book a conference room (even though I tell them they can do from their own computer at home) - but then I have to log them in their Community Member Proximity account and book the conference room that way. It would be nice if I could do this for them from my Manager account, and bill the specific person for the time.
8 hidden items
Higher Spaces
5 years ago
yes please, as a space manager I should have the ability to add a reservation, cancel, amend, reschedule etc
5 years ago
Hi! This is very important to us as we run a very small space, and I do often like to do the reservations for people as a nice gesture. It would greatly improve our workflow!
Will Hunt
7 years ago
Space manager to have the ability make reservations on behalf of users.