Day Rates for Conference Rooms

In Progress


Fiona Mayor

7 years ago

We offer a full day rate for booking a conference room that is slightly cheaper than the hourly rate (ie. $25 per hour or $160 for a full day). At the moment this cannot be booked by a member via the portal, it has to be done by a space manager and then a custom charge created. Maybe an check box for a full day rate (between the hours of 9am-5pm) as well as the slider on the booking page?



Kenny Eliason

6 years ago

Another way of doing this might be like this... if they book the room for x hours or more in a day, they get a x% discount. Example: Room is $50 per hour. If I book the room for 8 hours, the price would normally be $400. I'd like a discount to kick in automatically that says the room now has a 15% discount so the new price for the reservation is $340. But only kick in if they have a certain number of hours already.


Fiona Mayor

6 years ago

We also offer a discounted rate for a full day so this would be helpful. Currently I book the room manually and then charge the client - I know ther eis the option to give them a discount code but a check box for a full day could be an easy solution.

20 hidden items


Allison Blevins

2 years ago

This functionality is in our inventory-based version of the Proximity Platform currently available to workplace customers. It will be available soon to coworking customers!



3 quarters ago

Imagine onboarding a new space manager employee and getting laughed at for using coworking software for nearly 6 years that can't hand basic resource reservation features like daily rates or the ability to change reservations. What a great case study on locking in subscribers with switching costs that make changing platforms unattractive. Might as well rase my subscription rates again while you are at it. I clearly won't do anything about it but complain here. Hopefully someone is entertained at least. I just want someone to tell me they are proud of me. Do that and I'll stay forever even if there is no daily rate option.

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