Currently reservable resources have available times that you can set a range for. It would be great to be able to have control of the days of the week things are available.
For example, we want to use Proximity for making appointments for mentoring, but mentors are only available 2hrs per week, same day & time every week. I can control the time range something is reservable, but it would be immensely helpful to have something only available on certain days as well.
Jennie Savage
4 years ago
Currently reservable resources have available times that you can set a range for. It would be great to be able to have control of the days of the week things are available.
For example, we want to use Proximity for making appointments for mentoring, but mentors are only available 2hrs per week, same day & time every week. I can control the time range something is reservable, but it would be immensely helpful to have something only available on certain days as well.