Ability to create add-ons for room bookings



McKenna Yoder

6 years ago

For example, when a member reserves a reservable resource and the box pops up to give the reservation a title, it'd be cool to have options on that same pop-up for them to add-on options like cable, coffee, conference call system, projector, etc. That way the community manager knows what they'll need and can prepare the room for them before-hand. Plus, it's another way to increase revenue for the space.



Josh Hudnall

6 years ago

Merged: https://feedback.proximity.space/posts/392/create-add-ons-to-reservable-resources


Jessie Villa

4 years ago

I don't see the option to do something like this so I'm following up and the provided link here goes to an error page. I'd like to be able to add parking passes or other add ons to reservations.

1 hidden items


Kira Gehle

2 years ago

It would be great if they could indicate how many people will be utilizing the reservation resource, as we have a space that needs to be rearranged if it exceeds a certain number of attendees.


Allison Blevins changed the status to Planned

2 years ago

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